Congratulations on making this great decision! 🙂

WARNING: Your order has not been finalized...


Before you close this page and start learning, we have one (last) question!

Aren’t you afraid of losing your motivation for learning?

We have a SPECIAL OFFER for you and this is your only chance to get it:
a place in a two-month Autodidacts' Academy!

No, I'm happy with the Language Master course, I can learn all by myself

The gates of our mentoring program, the Autodidacts' Academy, are opening and one of the places can be yours!

If you decide to join us, you'll be on your way to having 24 hours of conversation in Spanish, German, Italian, or any other language
in just three months' time!

Hang on, how does it work?

For two months, you'll be a member of a motivational group

Studying alone is not difficult, but it does require determination and discipline. In a community of 50 motivated people, it's much easier!

You'll create a system of learning that's easy to stick to

We'll help you turn various language learning activities into habits. Once that's done, your learning will be subconscious and almost effortless.

We'll keep an eye on your discipline

Our experienced language mentors will not let you forget to study and with their support, you'll easily overcome procrastination.

You'll improve your speaking skills and stop being shy

We can only improve our speaking skills by doing lots of speaking! But why pay a private tutor if you can simply talk to your classmates who are at your level?

Learning a foreign language will become great fun!

We'll turn "because I have to" into "because I want to". We'll forget tedious old textbooks. You'll love learning with us and you will not want to stop even after the Academy.

Motivational videos, weekly tasks and COMPETITIONS

Every week, you'll try new methods and ways of learning, we'll keep you busy with motivational videos, and you can even win prizes for being active!

We have a one-time 60% discount which
you can only use RIGHT NOW! 

Does it even work?

The Autodidacts' Academy is well tried and tested!

The numbers speak clearly for us.

The 4 W's you need to know about the Autodidacts' Academy


Anyone, apart from complete beginners, is a suitable candidate for the Autodidacts' Adacemy.


The Autodidacts' Academy will take place from April till June 2020.


At home! We'll meet online in a closed Facebook group and on webinars.


Any! Spanish, German, Japanese, even Indonesian! 🙂 Everybody can learn whatever language they want!

So, fancy adding the Autodidacts'
Academy to your Language Master?

Only a few places remain...

What else will you get?

Language Master

  • Videos about more than 30 methods for learning any language you want
  • Advice on methods and textbooks
  • Worksheet
  • Bonuses

Autodidacts' Academy

  • Lifetime access to the Language Master - videos about more than 30 methods for learning any foreign language
  • Advice on methods and textbooks
  • Worksheet
  • Bonuses
  • Accountability Sheet for tracking your learning
  • Access to a closed Facebook group
  • Feedback from a language mentor
  • Online language forum
  • Motivational videos every week
  • Weekly tasks
  • Competitions for active participants
  • Language Mentoring Certificate



Don't add the Academy to my order, I'm happy with the Language Master

If, within a month of the Academy's start, you find out that you're not happy with this mentoring program or the Language Master video course, just send us an email to and we'll send you a full refund, since our policy includes a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Without asking any questions, without fine print. Nobody risks anything with Language mentoring 🙂

Still wondering whether it's worth it?

Have a look at this small selection of references by our amazing graduates and see for yourself 🙂

Zapojiť sa do Akadémie samoukov bol skvelý štart do nového roka a výsledok teraz stojí za to! Kopec napočúvaného a narozprávaného, čo by sa nestalo, keby som v Akadémii nebola. A to nakopnutie, pravidelnosť a systém za tieto 2 mesiace by mi trvali najbližší rok, ale v spomalenej verzii.
Annamária Marettová (španielčina)účastníčka Akadémie samoukov
Dostala som sa k metódam, zdrojom, o ktorých som nemala ani potuchy, kým som nevstúpila do Akadémie. A webináre, maily, FB skupina sú skvelé, lebo človek, napriek tomu, že je samouk, sa necíti osamelý a frustrovaný.
Darina Petrášová (angličtina)účastníčka Akadémie samoukov
Akadémia je skvelý projekt pre všetkých ľudí, ktorí majú chuť učiť sa jazyk, či už v pohodlí domova, alebo po ceste do práce 🙂 Ja som s celou akadémiou absolútne spokojná. Je to super projekt, ktorý má hlavu a pätu a je premyslený od začiatku do konca.
Barbara Kmeťová (francúzština)účastníčka Akadémie samoukov
Cením si systém: je velmi dobře vysvětlený. Výborné byly doprovodné e-maily. Zaujalo mě, jak tabulka dokáže motivovat - žádné dojmy, ale jasná čísla a barevné vyobrazení. Velmi mi vyhovuje styl vysvětlování i doprovodné komunikace.
Světlana Dubnová (francúzština)účastníčka Akadémie samoukov
Konečne sa pravidelne venujem angličtine, a aj keď to ide pomaličky, hýbem sa smerom dopredu, a teším sa na učenie 🙂 Páči sa mi dôraz kladený zábavu, radosť, no stress, happy aj pri učení sa.
Táňa Gaž (angličtina)účastníčka Akadémie samoukov
Myslím, že sa prihlásim aj do ďalšej Akadémie. Pretože po troch týždňoch vidím, že sa naše priateľstvo s angličtinou naozaj prehlbuje a budeme raz najlepšie kamošky 🙂
Martina Balcová (angličtina)účastníčka Akadémie samoukov

So, how have you decided?

No, I don't want to use this one-time offer, I'm happy with the Language Master

You might also want to know...

• What will happen if I press the green button and if I don't?

For your Language Master order to be complete, you need to decide whether you just want the Language Master video course, which you chose in the first step, or whether you also want to add the two-month mentoring program, the Autodidacts' Academy. If you press the green button, your invoice will automatically increase by €111 and you'll receive a pro forma invoice for a total of €268. If you click on "No, I don't want to add the Autodidacts' Academy to my order", you'll only get an invoice for €157 for the Language Master video course or an invoice for €287 for a package including both the Language Key and the Language Master video courses, depending on what you chose in the first step.

• What’s the difference between the Language Master and the Autodidacts' Academy?

The Language Master video course will teach you how to learn a foreign language on your own as an intermediate self-learner. It consists of a series of videos, and once you’ve purchased your access to it, you can watch them at any time, even all at once if you wish. With lifetime access, you can go back to the videos whenever you want. The Autodidacts’ Academy is an extension to the Language Master – it’s a 2-month-long course in which we apply the methods learnt in the Language Master into practice together. You’re still a self-learner, but you’re not on your own anymore – you work under the supervision of a language mentor and in a support group of 50 self-learners – which makes it a lot easier! In order to enroll, you also need to have access to the Language Master video course.

• How does the Autodidacts' Academy actually work? What does self-learning in a group mean?

The Autodidacts’ Academy is completely different from any course you’ve ever attended. Its basic premise is that 50 people learn a(ny) foreign language on their own, i.e. everybody uses different methods and materials (which they chose from the Language Master video course), while at the same time, we all keep in touch with each other and share our language learning experience with the rest of the group. We record our learning progress in an accountability sheet, which motivates us to really give it our best for the two months. We don’t have any grammar lessons with a tutor – instead, we have webinars, in other words, online meetings, during which we can speak to other participants as well as the language mentor who leads the group in their efforts by asking how they’re achieving their language goals and what problems they’ve encountered, rather than teaching the language itself. We also communicate through a closed Facebook group and, twice a week, you receive an email with detailed information on what’s going on in the course and what your next task is. You get a Weekly task, which typically consists of trying out a new app or learning method. If you want, you can arrange an online conversation “lesson” with your classmates to practice speaking. Everything is based on voluntary decisions of each member.

• What if I find out this way of learning is not for me?

Don’t worry! You’re not risking anything, as there’s a 30-day trial period during which you are eligible for a full refund. The trial period starts on the first day of the Autodidacts’ Academy or on the day of getting access to your video course. If you find out you’re not happy in the Academy, just send us an email. You don’t even have to explain why you’ve decided to stop. It’s a new way of learning, which is why we want to make it risk-free! However, we speak from experience when we say that 99% of people love this learning method, since everybody can tailor it to their own needs. Nevertheless, everyone is eligible for a full refund for all of our courses.

• I'm not sure my level is good enough for the Autodidacts’ Academy, especially when it comes to speaking.

This is a common concern of our course participants and 90% of them find out right at the beginning that they needn’t have worried at all! 🙂 The Autodidacts’ Academy is not a course for advanced students already fluent in speaking a foreign language – they don’t need our help with learning. Most of the participants are roughly at the A2-B1 level and speaking is usually their weakest spot. You don’t have to worry about being the worst in the group. Unless you’re a complete beginner, it means you’ve already studied the language for at least a year, for example in a language course, and you understand the basics in simple articles or videos, and in that case, the Autodidacts’ Academy is a great choice. Once you get to know your classmates and find out they’re just as shy to speak as you are, your nervousness will vanish and making progress will suddenly be much easier together with everybody else. Conversation with classmates is not obligatory (although we will try to motivate you to try it out as much as we can) and you can always choose someone who’s at a similar level to you.

• I'm not sure whether I want to add the Autodidacts' Academy to my order, can I sign up later?

We open the Autodidacts' Academy for groups of 50 people a few times per year, so you'll likely be able to sign up for another one later. However, the special 60% discount is a one-time-only offer which will not repeat. We're speaking from experience when we say that if a person is truly motivated to learn a foreign language and they don't put it off for later, they'll end up with better results, which is why we're offering this special discount to those who are not afraid to go full-on.

• When does the next Autodidacts' Academy open?

The next Autodidacts' Academy will start around the middle of April 2020. We'll let you know the exact date in advance, so that you can prepare for it.

• I want to sign up for the Autodidacts' Academy, but the current term doesn’t suit me. Can I secure a spot in a later Academy?

Yes, you can, if you’re planning on joining within the next 6 months. After clicking on the green button on this page, the system will automatically assign you to the next Autodidacts’ Academy. All you need to do then is to send us an email saying you wish to join later and we’ll arrange the new term with you. We’ll be happy to meet your needs, so that you can enroll at a time that suits you best.

• I want to add the Autodidacts' Academy to my order, but I'd like to split the payment into installments. Is it possible?

If you want to add the Autodidacts' Academy to your order, but the price is too high for you to pay all of it at once, we can offer you payment in installments. Just click on the green button, meaning you want to purchase the Autodidacts' Academy as well, but don't pay for your order in the next step. Instead, send us an email to saying you wish to split the price into monthly installments. The first installment will be payable within four days and the second one in a month. We're happy to accommodate your needs 🙂

• Do I have to wait until the Autodidacts’ Academy begins to start learning?

Not at all! Within a few minutes of your payment, the log-in credentials for the Language Master video course will be sent to your email address. If you choose payment by card or internet banking, the whole course will be available to you in a matter of just a few minutes. You can start watching the individual modules of the video course and create your study plan. Once the Autodidacts’ Academy begins, you’ll get to know your “classmates” and you can continue your learning with a fresh dose of motivation. But if you’d prefer to wait with your learning until the Academy begins, feel free to do that, too – it’s completely up to you!

• I don't have a Facebook account. Will I miss anything?

Having a Facebook account is not a condition for taking part in the Autodidacts' Academy, but it's definitely an advantage, since in our Facebook group, we all support each other and give each other advice and motivation. You won't lose anything essential, as all organizational information and tasks are also sent to participants via email. So if you're a sworn Facebook-o-phobe, don't worry, we understand. However, it's also possible to create an account under a nickname or a pseudonym that would just serve you during your time in the Academy. You don't need to upload a profile picture, add any friends, or even be active outside of our group. The important thing is that you won't miss the support of the community 🙂 If you choose to join us with a pseudonym account, let us know what your Facebook name is at, so that we can add you to the group - we only let participants of the Academy into the group.

No, I'm happy with the Language Master, I can learn all by myself