
TV Markíza: Reflex (17 May 2016) (with EN subtitles)

A short video on how I learn languages in my everyday life. TV Markíza is the biggest private TV channel in Slovakia and the Reflex show is broadcast daily from 5 to 6 pm. Being on this show was a big thing 🙂

TV Bratislava: How to teach yourself languages (15 June 2016)

In this local TV, I talked to the host and another guest (a translator and interpreter) about language learning and my own approach to it. English subtitles coming soon...


Here\'s my first interview in Esperanto! 🙂 We did it right after my talk about language learning at the Global Congress of Esperanto (Universala Kongreso) in Nitra, Slovakia in July 2016. My talk got so popular that I had to deliver it again the next day 🙂


How does one learn languages when they already speak six?

RTVS Internacional España (January 2016)

¿Cómo aprende una lengua quien ya domina seis?


Lýdia is not only hard-working, friendly and very tall but she also speaks 9 languages, teaches others how to learn languages effectively, and knows how to improve her life quality – with the best cheesecake in Bratislava!  

My experience with ayahuasca

Radio Kraków:

Moje doświadczenie z ayahuascą


Peru - In the shaman\'s camp