
Language tips

Do I have to go abroad to learn a language well?

Many people believe that the best way to learn a language is to go abroad. Is is true?

Do you need talent to learn a language?

Is it really the talent that helps people to learn languages? Can you learn a language if you are not talented?

How to get from B2 to C1 level?

What to do if you're on a comforatble B2 level and you want to move it a little bit up? Start using the language to learn new stuff.

The easiest way to improve your grammar

If you've been learning the language for many years but you still feel quite unsure about your grammar, check this quick tip!

Why you don't need a good memory to learn languages

Many people think that if they're not good at learning languages, it is because thay don't have a good memory. I don't think so.


Languageboost interview with Lydia Machova from

I was interviewed by Jan van der Aa from about my Language Mentoring project and language learning as done by polyglots.

6 polyglots share their language learning secrets (in French)

During the Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava, Luca has interviewed 6 polyglots and language experts to ask them this question: "How do polyglots manage to learn so many languages while many people struggle to learn even a second language?" What is the secret of polyglots?"

99 Seconds on Commitment

Hyperpolyglot Michael Levi Harris and I talk about commitment to learning and having initiative at the Polyglot Conference.

Lydia Machová: Becoming an Independent Learner

Steve Kaufmann and I talk about how anyone, not just those who are passionate about languages, can become motivated and enjoy the process of learning a new language.

Wie wirst Du effektiver Sprachlerner? 

Gabriel Gelman from Sprachheld interviewed me about my language learning and mentoring methods as well as about organizing Polyglot Gathering.

Secrets of Learning Any Language with Lydia Machova, polyglot

Daniel Welsch from was curious what tips I'd give to his viewers based on my polyglot experience. It was a nice chat which we recorded on Tenerife. 

How Lýdia Machová learns languages

Interview with Lydia Machova, Polyglot, Interpreter and Language Mentor

Principles of Language Learning with Lydia Machova


10 Things Polyglots Do Differently

Polyglot Gathering 2017, Bratislava

There seems to be a gap between the way polyglots learn languages and the way they are taught in most language courses. Why is that? And what exactly makes polyglots’ ways of learning languages different?

Don't teach me, make me learn

Polyglot Gathering 2016, Berlin

In this talk I tell the audience about my language mentoring projects and how we can apply the same principles to our own language learning and teaching.

The Pleasures and Pains of Working as an Interpreter

Polyglot Gathering 2015, Berlin

In this video, I'm speaking about being a professional interpreter, the pros and cons of the profession and my personal experiences from the interpreting booth.

The Power of Setting Priorities in Language Learning

Polyglot Conference 2016, Thessaloniki

In the talk, I'm sharing my practical experience with two projects. In these projects, dozens of university students and English teachers decided to improve their level of a foreign language by concentrating on just a few areas in their chosen language, and focused on those areas which they felt had the most room for improvement.

Following many hours of practice, both students and teachers gained immense improvements in their chosen areas, and these amazing results spurred them to even higher levels of motivation, to learn more, and improve further.

Other videos

My favorite books
(in 7 languages, EN subitles)

I speak about my favorite books that I read in my 7 languages - English, German, Spanish, French, Esperanto, Polish and Russian.

My Russian after one year

This is me speaking Russian after 1 year of learning it by myself in Slovakia, and after 10 days spent in Russia practising like crazy all days long 🙂 My mother tongue is Slovak so yes, Russian is a bit easier, especially when it comes to passive understanding because so many words are similar. But to speak actively, I also had to learn all the endings, and it takes a lot of concentration not to let Slavic interference get in the way. I'm quite happy with this level after one year, but my learning is by far not over 🙂

Brazilian polyglot Lucas speaks Slovak after 3 hours of conversation

Watch Lucas speak Slovak after only three hours of conversation. Hats off!

Polyglot Lucas speaks Slovak after one week of learning

Incredible, right?

Where did Benny Lewis and Lýdia Machová learn Esperanto?

Benny and I both learnt Esperanto at SES: Summer Esperanto School, organized annualy in Slovakia by the E@I non-profit organization led by Peter Baláž, who also organized World Esperanto Congress 2016 in Nitra, Slovakia, and we also organized Polyglot Gathering 2017 together in Bratislava, Slovakia.