DuoCards: The Ultimate Vocabulary App?

Looking to add a mobile app to your learning? If so, I highly recommend DuoCards – a flashcard app for vocabulary. Hi, I’m Zuzana and I’m an avid language learner and Language Mentoring team member. While learning Spanish, I stumbled upon DuoCards and I suddenly...

Duolingo Review: Will it teach me a language in 600 days?

Duolingo is fun but can it get you to fluency? Read about my 2-year experience of learning Norwegian using only Duolingo.

Bilingual books are an amazing way to read books for beginners in a foreign language.

VIDEO: Struggling to read books in a foreign language? Try bilingual books!

“I would love to read books in the language I’m learning but I’m not advanced enough. I have to wait until my vocabulary gets better.” Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve had an experience of opening a book in French or Spanish only to...

Learning languages

How to learn a language effectively

Have you been trying to learn a language for years but still can’t use it effortlessly? Are you putting a lot of energy into it but still aren’t seeing real results? Do you feel like everyone else speaks a second language but you? You’re...


Learning vocabulary – 7 common mistakes and how to avoid them to remember the words forever

“I’m learning vocabulary over and over again but I only remember the words for a short period of time.” Does that sound familiar? Do you feel like you’re spending hours trying to memorize new words but they simply don’t stick? Or you can’t...

Lydia Machova TED Talk The Secrets of Learning a new language

VIDEO: My TED Talk – The secrets of learning a new language

(If you prefer reading to watching videos, you can find all the information from this video in the article below.) What are the methods of polyglots? (00:48) What is really crucial in the process of learning languages? (03:01) What are...

Learning a Foreign Language with Songs

Learning a Foreign Language with Songs – Yes or No?

Have you ever wondered whether you could learn a foreign language by listening to songs? Or are you learning with a set plan, but want to bring something fresh into the process? Whatever your reasons may be, in this article, we will...

Why we love vocabulary flashcards and you will too!

Do you want to build a house? You’ll need bricks. Do you want to speak a foreign language? You’ll need vocabulary! Without knowing lots of words, you won’t make it very far. In fact, you will neither understand people speaking the foreign language...

Learning a foreign language as a mom of four on parental leave? Mission possible!

The combination of words “parental” and “leave” has always sounded absurd to me. When you’re on leave, you are essentially absent from work. However, anyone who has kids or has ever done any babysitting knows that it’s like working three...

Podcasts: Endless listening materials on your phone for free

Even though language courses sometimes underestimate its importance and focus on other skills instead, listening is one of the most important activities because it can get you lots of contact with your foreign language. Not only will regular listening practice...