
Tag archive organization

10 Things Polyglots Do Differently When Learning Languages

Polyglots are normal people like you who happen to have mastered 5 or more foreign languages… without possessing any kind of magical talent for languages or struggling in a language school. How is that possible? I answered this question at the...

how to make your learning systematic

VIDEO: 7 tips on how to make your learning systematic and not give up

If you’ve been following us for some time, you definitely know that Language Mentoring is built on four pillars: fun, sufficient contact with the language, effective methods, system. All four of these pillars are important, but I believe that learners tend...

What stands between you and fluency? (Part 2)

A while back, we published an article about people who will never learn a language because they never actually learn it – they just like talking about it, but they never really get down to it. In this article, we’ll have...

What stands between you and fluency? (Part 1)

“I don’t have a talent for languages.” “I didn’t learn a foreign language as a child, so I’ll never be able to do it now.” “I’ve been learning Spanish for ages and I still can’t speak it…” Sounds familiar? I meet lots of people who have...

VIDEO: How to learn 2 languages at once?

Everybody keeps asking me how to learn two languages at once. And it seems to be the biggest issue in the language learning world, because everybody wants to save time and learn two languages at once, and not just kill...

5 tricks for finally getting yourself to learn a foreign language

I say it time and time again, but it always bears repeating – nobody can make you learn a language. It is pointless to expect that your teacher will just pump your head with all that you need just because you...


My schedule is full. How should I find time for language learning?

Are you also one of those people who decided to improve their Spanish or learn French, but haven’t started yet? Good news: You can even start today. The not-so-good news: you’ll need to find some time for it. I can hear...

Language learning habits

How to make your language learning habits stick

Have you heard the story of that woman in Lapland who learned a new language in just one week, without studying it? We haven’t, either. Because it never happened. Language learning isn’t as simple as becoming fluent in a week or two....