useful apps

Tag archive useful apps

DuoCards: The Ultimate Vocabulary App?

Looking to add a mobile app to your learning? If so, I highly recommend DuoCards – a flashcard app for vocabulary. Hi, I’m Zuzana and I’m an avid language learner and Language Mentoring team member. While learning Spanish, I stumbled upon DuoCards and I suddenly...

50languages is an amazing website for learning.

50languages: a great place to practice any language

If you want to improve your vocabulary in any foreign language or if you already speak a foreign language pretty well and just want to maintain it, look no further than the 50languages website. However, no site will help you if...

How to find a conversation partner from the comfort of your home

Speaking. You won’t find a better way to improve your foreign language skills. Alas, starting to learn a language by yourself can make it seem hard to find someone to speak to. That’s why people usually start to focus more on passive...

Improve your written English skills with Ludwig

Ludwig knows the right words

How long does it take you to write something in English? And I don’t mean just something random so that the sentence contains all the necessary words, arranged one next to the other. I mean writing in a way that the text really...

How to make the most out of the TED website cover image

How to make the most out of the TED website

Probably each of us has seen at least one TED or TEDx video. Some of you may have even attended one of the TED events and experienced the amazing and inspiring atmosphere. But have you considered using these videos to...

Clozemaster – A better vocabulary app than Duolingo?

Learning vocabulary through digital flashcards is a very popular method among autodidacts. We at Language Mentoring usually recommend the AnkiDroid app (or Brainscape for iOS users). Still our fans and students complain that they first have to create the flashcards themselves,...

whereby - online conversations made easy

Online conversation made quick and simple

When you learn a foreign language, sooner or later you’ll want to (or have to) speak it. We definitely recommend starting with speaking soon and regularly. Simply put, speaking requires practice. Don’t wait around for “later” and forget excuses such as...

ReadLang: Your personal translator

If you’ve ever tried to read articles on the internet in a foreign language, you must have encountered a problem of not understanding some words. If only there was a way to have them translated in just one click… There is one! This...