
Tag archive vocabulary

DuoCards: The Ultimate Vocabulary App?

Looking to add a mobile app to your learning? If so, I highly recommend DuoCards – a flashcard app for vocabulary. Hi, I’m Zuzana and I’m an avid language learner and Language Mentoring team member. While learning Spanish, I stumbled upon DuoCards and I suddenly...


Learning vocabulary – 7 common mistakes and how to avoid them to remember the words forever

“I’m learning vocabulary over and over again but I only remember the words for a short period of time.” Does that sound familiar? Do you feel like you’re spending hours trying to memorize new words but they simply don’t stick? Or you can’t...

Why we love vocabulary flashcards and you will too!

Do you want to build a house? You’ll need bricks. Do you want to speak a foreign language? You’ll need vocabulary! Without knowing lots of words, you won’t make it very far. In fact, you will neither understand people speaking the foreign language...

50languages is an amazing website for learning.

50languages: a great place to practice any language

If you want to improve your vocabulary in any foreign language or if you already speak a foreign language pretty well and just want to maintain it, look no further than the 50languages website. However, no site will help you if...

THE GOLDLIST METHOD: Learning vocabulary has never been easier!

Are you sick of the standard school method of memorizing vocabulary as well as feeling that this method only makes you remember new words for a day at most? Are you looking for a new, more interesting and effective way to do it?...

Clozemaster – A better vocabulary app than Duolingo?

Learning vocabulary through digital flashcards is a very popular method among autodidacts. We at Language Mentoring usually recommend the AnkiDroid app (or Brainscape for iOS users). Still our fans and students complain that they first have to create the flashcards themselves,...

how to learn vocabulary

Do you need a “good” memory to learn languages?

Many people think that if they’re not good at learning languages and haven’t succeeded after many years, it is because they don’t have a good memory to remember every word. But actually, I believe this has not so much to do with memory...