10 Things Polyglots Do Differently When Learning Languages

Polyglots are normal people like you who happen to have mastered 5 or more foreign languages… without possessing any kind of magical talent for languages or struggling in a language school. How is that possible? I answered this question at the...

how to make your learning systematic

VIDEO: 7 tips on how to make your learning systematic and not give up

If you’ve been following us for some time, you definitely know that Language Mentoring is built on four pillars: fun, sufficient contact with the language, effective methods, system. All four of these pillars are important, but I believe that learners tend...

Mock-up makeover Upgrade Language Master 1.0 to 2.0

Language Mentoring’s Makeover: Language Master Upgrade and Lots of Other Great News!

Do you know what happened on June 21, 2018? We launched our Language Master video course and started writing the history of learning languages the polyglot way. And do you know what happened on May 28, 2021? We finalized and published...

A Language Expert’s Critical Look at My TED Talk

It’s been more than two years since I opened my mailbox and found an invitation to appear at a prestigious TED Conference in New York. Having only three weeks to put my presentation together didn’t discourage me; after all, one does not...

50languages is an amazing website for learning.

50languages: a great place to practice any language

If you want to improve your vocabulary in any foreign language or if you already speak a foreign language pretty well and just want to maintain it, look no further than the 50languages website. However, no site will help you if...

How to squeeze a century into five years?

It was April 2, 2016. Instead of celebrating my birthday, I was sitting behind the computer, my eyelids incredibly heavy after several sleepless nights, my hands shaking on the keyboard, and cold sweat pouring down my back. After what felt like...

How to find a conversation partner from the comfort of your home

Speaking. You won’t find a better way to improve your foreign language skills. Alas, starting to learn a language by yourself can make it seem hard to find someone to speak to. That’s why people usually start to focus more on passive...

What stands between you and fluency? (Part 2)

A while back, we published an article about people who will never learn a language because they never actually learn it – they just like talking about it, but they never really get down to it. In this article, we’ll have...

THE GOLDLIST METHOD: Learning vocabulary has never been easier!

Are you sick of the standard school method of memorizing vocabulary as well as feeling that this method only makes you remember new words for a day at most? Are you looking for a new, more interesting and effective way to do it?...

What stands between you and fluency? (Part 1)

“I don’t have a talent for languages.” “I didn’t learn a foreign language as a child, so I’ll never be able to do it now.” “I’ve been learning Spanish for ages and I still can’t speak it…” Sounds familiar? I meet lots of people who have...