4 levels of language

VIDEO: 4 levels of language EXPLAINED

If you’ve ever learned a foreign language, then you’ve probably asked yourself, how long it would take until you get fluent. I have some news for you: one of them is good and the other will help you to keep a realistic...

How to read 50 books in a year and improve your vocabulary and foreign language knowledge? With Everand, it’s a piece of cake!

Reading is one of the most common activities we have been doing since early childhood. We start with picture books and gradually increase the length and complexity of the texts. It allows us to live in other worlds, become superheroes,...

VIDEO: How to learn 2 languages at once?

Everybody keeps asking me how to learn two languages at once. And it seems to be the biggest issue in the language learning world, because everybody wants to save time and learn two languages at once, and not just kill...

Improve your written English skills with Ludwig

Ludwig knows the right words

How long does it take you to write something in English? And I don’t mean just something random so that the sentence contains all the necessary words, arranged one next to the other. I mean writing in a way that the text really...

How to pick the right language course?

A new school year is upon us and maybe some of you are starting your courses. The language ones, that is. In this article, we compile some important factors you should definitely take into account when choosing a language course. You...

my top 10 personal development books

VIDEO: 10 personal development books you should read

In the previous blog I gave you tips about 10 books which I really loved reading, because they helped me grow professionally. In this blog, I want to share another 10 books with you, but this time, it’s about books that helped me...

How to make the most out of the TED website cover image

How to make the most out of the TED website

Probably each of us has seen at least one TED or TEDx video. Some of you may have even attended one of the TED events and experienced the amazing and inspiring atmosphere. But have you considered using these videos to...

VIDEO: 10 business development books to read in a foreign language

One of my favorite methods to learn a language is to read a book, because I just love getting several benefits at the same time. I read something interesting, learn something new and learn a language at the same time. Because the only way to...

5 tricks for finally getting yourself to learn a foreign language

I say it time and time again, but it always bears repeating – nobody can make you learn a language. It is pointless to expect that your teacher will just pump your head with all that you need just because you...

VIDEO: How to get from B2 to C1 level?

If you have achieved the level in your foreign language where you are comfortable using it, you can communicate with people, listen to podcasts, read books without greater problems, that’s great! Congratulations because achieving this level is not very simple....